Important Parent Documents

California Law Requirements:

There are several documents required by California law that parents must see before enrolling their child at IIFCP. Please review the following forms carefully so that you can be fully informed of your rights as a parent đŸ™‚ If you’re a new parent, don’t be overwhelmed by the wordiness of it all. All Licensed daycares must have these documents from parents. If you need help call or email the director.

Notification of Parent’s Rights LIC 995A 

Caregiver background check process LIC 995E

Family Child Care Consumer Awareness Info LIC 9212 

All parents will be required to sign and date form LIC 9224  

Parent Notification, Additional Children in Care LIC 9150

Affidavit Regrading Liability Insurance LIC 282 

Consent for Medical Treatment LIC 627

Identification and Emergency Information LIC 700

Consent/Verification for Nebulizer Care LIC 9166 *if Applicable*

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Licensing Reports *if Applicable*

Proof of IMMUNIZATIONS for children NOT enrolled in school